If you have been to any wedding occasion, you must have witnessed the impressive growth of an entire industry revolving around wedding albums.

Wedding photos are a big junk of memories that are cherished for a lifetime. That's what makes these special occasions more pure and serene that weddings are carried out with a pinch of modern outlook not missing out on the good old traditions and rituals. When it comes to capturing the wedding incidents and cherishing them as a memory for the years to come. 

A beautiful but memorable “Wedding Album” is a must.

Some of the to-be-wed couples are even choosing their photographer based on the quality of their albums. For those photographers who have mastered the art, making albums has become a key revenue generator for their business.

In fact, nowadays photographers even lower their coverage prices and put more energy into making high-end albums. Even with the significant reductions in coverage prices, many photographers are able to pull out higher profit margins due to an increase in their album sales.

The key is to create a custom one-of-a-kind album that your clients would fall in love with instantly. Even defining a unique designing style statement in your album designs also goes a long way in generating adequate album sales and at the end client satisfaction.

This can be very intimidating at times and may push you out of your comfort zone behind the camera, but with the help of an album designing software in place and the absolute flexibility of the software can make your album designing process much easier and quicker.

Even though there are many software companies that claim to make your album designing workflow much easier and more efficient. As an album designer, you must choose a software that offers flexibility with inbuilt features that not only saves your time but also lets you explore creativity at its best.

And obviously, one such software is DgFlick’s Album Xpress.

Let's understand why DgFlick's Album Xpress software is the most loved and favorite Album designing software for thousands of photographers and designers.


Album Xpress software is the most talked-about software for its flexibility and many time-saving features that not only makes your album designing process easier and quicker but also boost up your creativity game.

Some of the features are as follows

Inbuilt Ready Templates & Decors

Let's you design stunning albums in minutes with hundreds of ready templates and decors at your fingertips all pre-designed for you to customize as you like.

There is also a possibility to import outside resources such as cliparts, masks, background,s and much more into your software giving you the power to design your album the way your clients require it to be.

Seamlessly integrate with your workflow

Export your designs in fully layered PSD format for advanced customization in workable Photoshop software.

Smart features to Save your Time

Album Xpress uses powerful time-saving technologies to make album design simple and fun. With its Auto-Album designing feature, your album automatically gets designed in seconds provided with the theme selection and photo imports. It's an easy way to increase your profits without spending hours in front of your computer. 

Even with its do-it-yourself feature gives you the ability to design your albums from scratch. You can choose from the thousands of ready templates and decors and design your albums for any occasion that captures the moment and wow your clients.

Photo Editing Made Simple

No need for any third-party software to edit photos. Album Xpress software efficiently comes with an inbuilt photo enhancement and photo editing tools to make your photos all ready to be transformed into an album.

Protect your Creativity

You can copyright your designs with the exclusive watermark effect of your name or your brand name in the form of a Text or Logo. You can even set the visibility of the watermark and even position it in a vertical, horizontal, or in diagonal format.

Your Software Your Language

Album Xpress software gives you the ability to explore the software in your native language. The software comes with the possibility to make your software communications or interface in your language giving you a delightful designing experience. 

Smooth Album Proofing

Easily share album drafts with your clients. Review feedback and make revisions with quick access to comments while you update album designs.

Save your  Designs in Multiple Ways

Your final album designs can be successfully saved in various formats the way it is convenient by your clients. Your designs can be saved in JPG, PSD as well as Pdf formats. Even with Album Xpress software, you can save your designs in the form of an eAlbum

eAlbums is a unique tool to share and showcase album designs on mobile phones.eAlbums not just provide album viewing and sharing experience to users but also offers a personalized marketing platform to photographers.

Final Thoughts

So you can see how an album designing software can make your work process easier and can design some stunning masterpieces giving you the complete control to explore with your creativity.

When a software has many features to offer followed by the flexibility to operate the software it can really boost up your creativity game giving you the final output that would make your clients go WOW with your album designs.

Look around on the web and take note of some of the stunning album work being done by industry leaders. Take inspiration from them and with the support of a smart album designing software create albums that are loved by everyone and set new opportunities to earn more by designing more.


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